Summer 2025 Biology Courses |
60339 |
BIO 1101 |
Online |
Bio Fundamentals: Cancer Bio
5 |
Tracie Delgado |
16 open seats |
60340 |
BIO 1145 |
Online |
5 |
Ryan Ferrer |
16 open seats |
60341 |
BIO 2129 |
Online |
Human Anatomy and Physiology
5 |
Betsabel Chicana Romero |
16 open seats |
60336 |
BIO 2129L |
Traditional |
Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab
0 |
Betsabel Chicana Romero |
16 open seats |
60337 |
BIO 2130 |
Traditional |
Human Anatomy and Physiology
5 |
Cara Wall-Scheffler |
16 open seats |
60338 |
BIO 2130L |
Traditional |
Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab
0 |
Cara Wall-Scheffler |
16 open seats |
60342 |
BIO 3436 |
Traditional |
Behavioral Ecology
5 |
TBA Staff |
14 open seats |
60343 |
BIO 4256 |
Traditional |
Environmental Physiology
5 |
Cara Wall-Scheffler |
12 open seats |
60344 |
BIO 4810 |
Traditional |
Marine Ecology
5 |
Tim Nelson |
4 open seats |
60345 |
BIO 4835 |
Traditional |
Conservation Biology
5 |
Eric Long |
12 open seats |
Summer 2025 Business Courses |
60346 |
BUS 2000 |
Online |
Purpose and Practice of Business
5 |
Don Lee |
10 open seats |
60347 |
BUS 2700 |
Online |
Statistics for Business and Economics
5 |
Ange Kakpo |
30 open seats |
60348 |
BUS 3541 |
Online |
Marketing and Society
5 |
John Godek |
30 open seats |
60349 |
BUS 3828 |
Online |
International Business
5 |
Jonathan Mvududu |
30 open seats |
60350 |
BUS 4644 |
Online |
Operations Management
5 |
Andy Chen |
30 open seats |
60351 |
BUS 4650 |
Online |
Data Analytics and Visualization
5 |
Andy Chen |
30 open seats |
60352 |
BUS 4690 |
Online |
Strategic Management
5 |
Don Lee |
10 open seats |
Summer 2025 Communication Courses |
60262 |
COM 3780 |
Online |
The Art of Film
5 |
Todd Rendleman |
12 open seats |
Summer 2025 Computer Science Courses |
60294 |
CSC 4250 |
Traditional |
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
3 |
Carlos Arias Arevalo |
20 open seats |
Summer 2025 Economics Courses |
60356 |
ECN 2102 |
Online |
Principles of Macroeconomics
5 |
Geri Mason |
25 open seats |
Summer 2025 Engineering Science Courses |
60295 |
EGR 1007 |
Traditional |
Exploring Engineering
1 |
Jihoon Lim |
20 open seats |
60296 |
EGR 1010 |
Traditional |
Science and Technology: How Things Work
5 |
Jihoon Lim |
20 open seats |
Summer 2025 Leadership Courses |
60417 |
LDR 4930 |
Arranged |
Leadership Practicum
1-10 |
Chuck Strawn |
2 open seats |
Summer 2025 Music Courses |
60283 |
MUS 3931 |
Traditional |
Music Therapy Practicum II
1-3 |
Cancelled Class Staff |
10 open seats |
60284 |
MUS 4931 |
Traditional |
Music Therapy Practicum III
1-3 |
Cancelled Class Staff |
10 open seats |
60420 |
MUS 4931 |
Traditional |
Music Therapy Practicum III
1-3 |
Carlene Brown |
10 open seats |
Summer 2025 Psychology Courses |
60253 |
PSY 1200 |
Online |
Psychology as Vocation
1 |
Baine Craft |
20 open seats |
60254 |
PSY 2360 |
Online |
Introduction to Statistics in Social and B...
5 |
Baine Craft |
20 open seats |
60285 |
PSY 3360 |
Online |
Psychological Disorders
5 |
TBA Staff |
20 open seats |
60255 |
PSY 3410 |
Online |
Cross-Cultural Psychology
5 |
Paul Youngbin Kim |
20 open seats |
60256 |
PSY 3588 |
Online |
Psychological Research Methods
5 |
Piljoo Kang |
20 open seats |
60257 |
PSY 3800 |
Online |
Cognitive Psychology
5 |
Baine Craft |
20 open seats |
60258 |
PSY 4488 |
Online |
Behavioral Neuroscience
5 |
Baine Craft |
20 open seats |
Summer 2025 University Core Courses |
60418 |
UCOR 3000 |
Online |
Faith, Philosophy, and Science
5 |
Leland Saunders |
40 open seats |